Category Archives: keywords

Keywords and original thought

Is it possible to write or create anything original anymore?
Possibly not. I think it is fair to say that we all share the same life route; birth to death. It is the stuff in the middle that is sometimes slightly different. To say we are all unique is not strictly true – love, loneliness, disappointment, illness, parenthood etc. are things we all experience in someway or another – this shared path is what makes us part of the collective human race. It is most probable that anything you write about on the internet will be a shared emotion, concept, or dream and somebody out there will be thinking, ‘I thought of that ages ago’.
The only way forward is to adapt the concept of original thought and simply do things better and write better text and be creative with key words.

Smart business

The Internet is a tool that connects you with businesses and people. Are you a smart business? Communicate with your clients directly, elevate your online charisma, and boost boost sales; stay in front of the curve and your rivals. All this is achievable by using the Internet to its full marketing, and interactional potential.
Get your site optimised create more content. Write an article that could irritate and grab the attention of people. Try writing articles that give tips and guides to other web users. Writing articles that give good advice and hints to other people will provide you with the content that will give you more mileage and increase your traffic flow.
Most websites suffer from unoriginality; they belong to the herd of mediocrity and banality. Write a controversial blog or web page – but be warned  –  a few minutes later, a thousand bloggers will be parodying it with their unique take on the concept. Get the solo part in the choir – at least for a short while. Click – copy – paste. Click – copy – paste. Click – copy – paste. Click – copy – paste etc.
Try your hand at real search engine optimisation, look at your site and fix those broken links, update the content, sort out the keywords and phrases. Harnessing the power of the Internet to improve your website’s rank in the search engine results pages is a way to achieve your dreams. Be more positive and proactive with your time, improve and inspire, corral your visitors and steer them towards your products. Create a cage that keeps them locked into your site; tame them so they don’t want to leave. Set your traps carefully and take money from your visitors.

Search engines have matured

Search Engine Optimization appears to be becoming a big business in an age when the rest of the worlds’ business community is tightening its belt. The expression ‘Ambulance Chasers’ comes to mind. I will accept that good SEO requires hours and hours of hard work, involving research and then analysis and scrutiny but what is the acceptable cost? Is this task worth solicitors’ rates?
Possibly the best thing to do is find an optimisation company that recommend processes that make your site better and relevant to the market you are aiming at. Find one that will offer you a decent service for a fair price without taking short cuts. It might be advisable to avoid going for quick fixes and companies that offer promises of number one rankings. Avoid companies that use ‘Black Hat’ techniques. These techniques are used for possible short term gain, which could get your business de-listed or penalised in search engines. Keyword stuffing should be avoided, your text must be contextual and not just a random list of ‘good’ words. Google and other search engines have matured and have become more intelligent, ranking websites on their merit and content. There once was a time when a strategy like ‘reciprocal linking exchange’ was used to get good rankings but now content has become king – and that is the way it should be.

Less is more SEO

140 characters of text are really all you need to sell a product. Twitter has made us all think about  optimization and editing our text, using the best combined words to get your point over. The days of stuffing keywords onto a page a probably over and we will now have to relearn skills of editing.
Optimizing visual layouts is a key to success, the words wrapped around images help to describe the product to the viewer. The web has become live, the day of the static webpage is nearly over, welcome to the embedded video, social bookmarking, widgets, social networks and the real time interactive network sites like Twitter. Read more…

It’s Valentine’s Day and you don’t know where to start – should you go with a self-penned ode to my love munchkin,’ a handwritten Shakespearean sonnet, or a dirty limerick? Tweetie Pie brings together 140 creative ways to tell your special someone how much you love them. All short enough to tweet yet more than long enough to say I love you’ (twelve times over, in fact). From the poignant and affectionate to the quirky and amusing to the flirtatious and titillating for your lover’s eyes only, every shade of love is here. Beautifully designed and bound, this is the perfect Valentine – or any time- gift for the person you love.

Tweetie Pie: 140 ways To Say I Love You