Steven has strident views on the music industry and he is also a champion of the little guy. He also has the ability to write cracking good electra dance tracks, listen to ‘Disco Stu-Pid (Homage to Homer)’. Great stuff!
I’m in it for the creativity, not the money, and I would rather have total freedom in that department than sell my soul to make a few bucks. Writing music to formula is not for me, nor is living out the stereotyped rock-or-pop-star existence that has become such a tired cliché; which is, I feel, another aspect of the music industry responsible for consigning genuine talent to obscurity.
Make Celebrities History, taken from the phrase MAKE POVERTY HISTORY, coined by a collection of pop-stars, who seem to believe that their iconic status can somehow change the world, was set up to highlight these flaws in the music and entertainment industry, and together with PANGAEA’S PEOPLE, is committed to bringing untapped, obscure, talent to the attention of the public. I feel artists need to switch tactics, rather than take the direct route to the top of the mountain, which is extremely overcrowded; In addition to which, there is no room at the inn anyway!
I hope that more artists will come to realise that, and look towards each other for the kind of support they are not going to get from faceless corporations. So far, few see the potential of a self-sufficient collective. Such a collective would have to be very unique in its approach, and the internal loyalty and commitment would have to be on a higher plain, which, I guess, is idealism to taken to its extreme!
I have to briefly mention this side of things, because such a cause is as important to me as the music itself. I know I am making a lot of enemies by bringing politics into the arena, but as I feel so strongly about the exclusion of so much talent by the music industry, I have to, at least, aspire to what may seem like a hopeless cause.