As you know I am a sucker for analogue synth sounds. Any chance to listen to something that has references to Kraftwerk (it need only be minor) has to be listened to. The tracks on here are a combination of modulated and sampled noises. Electronic beats and arpeggios…..the review below by Jacky will expand more eloquently.
Cultiva en cada melodía la intensidad y la energía de la vida, transmitiendo una contagiosa alegría que nos inspira al movimiento, como si incitara a los músculos a seguir con movimientos cada nota. Es como si le hablara al cuerpo y lo invitara a relajarse, transformando nuestro ambiente en una burbuja de cristal.
He grows in each tune the intensity and energy of life, communicating a contagious joy that inspires us to move, as if encouraging the muscles to continue to move with each note. Talking to the body inviting you to relax, changing the environment in a glass bubble.