Category Archives: Home

The brand – The name

There is no point in delivering the same product as the competition unless you come up with a strategy that makes you the brand  leader.  Don’t convince yourself that a catchy gimmick  is going to be strong enough to get you to the top, – the whole thing depends on building a culture around you, your product, your service and the dream – people have to believe in you. 
What is in a brand name and what do they mean? Are you a Brand?  Do you simply sell a product, or can your clients relate to your product and product philosophy?
Clients need to have confidence in you and like to know that your company has a passion or belief – above all they need to know you are not simply in the game to make a quick profit and then disappear. Building a brand loyalty is paramount to continuing success.
A brand relies on continuity – customer support, email marketing, your company website – consumers expect service that is consistent across the board, from the tea boy to the CEO (you might be all of them) it is important everybody lives the brand.

First impressions mean everything and presenting a positive image is the top priority, you need to divulge as much information about your company as you can  – to make your clients feel at ease – as though they are your ‘friend’.


Here is the image of a two headed gosling which is in Ilfracombe Museum.

Polycephaly is a condition of having more than one head. The term is derived from the stems poly- meaning ‘many’ and kephal- meaning “head”, and encompasses bicephaly and dicephaly (both referring to two-headedness). A variation is an animal born with two faces on a single head, a condition known as diprosopus. In medical terms these are all congenital cephalic disorders.

There are many occurrences of multi-headed animals, in real life as well as in mythology. In heraldry and vexillology, the double-headed eagle is a common symbol, though no such animal is known to have ever existed.

A personal plea (?)

I really do have to create some space in our storage units – so if anybody wants the paintings below – make me an offer or they will go on the bonfire.

‘Another Fish’
Oil, Acrylic, Computer cut vinyl on canvas
Another Fish

‘Unlearning old skills and employing new strategies are a constant preoccupation…….questioning about how (and in how many ways) we can read the resulting work itself. His stance has been courageous – he has been prepared to let go; take risks and this is beginning to pay dividends.’…..Quote

Exhibited Jan - Feb 05 Broomhill Sculpture Park
‘Self Portrait’ Oil, Acrylic, Computer cut vinyl on canvas 2003/05

I have been accused of being extremely arrogant. I prefer to call it confident. My paintings have become Schizophrenic, I can switch from one ‘style’ of painting to another. Why is it frowned upon to switch from style to style? What is the point of pursuing a singular line of practice?

‘Using tape has been a central preoccupation and that in many works has been linked to a professional skill of computer cut imagery.

Picking the next step will require care. Experimentation and novelty have their attractions and there is an aspect to some of the work that revels in the new – the new material; new cut; new size; new interpretation.

I keep thinking about George Braque who learnt artificial wood graining from his time as a decorator; the story goes that he taught Picasso and these painted renderings of wood surface became a staple of cubism.

Computer cut religious imagery; why look any further?’…..Quote

Bargain Basement

I really do have to create some space in our storage units – so if anybody wants the paintings below – make me an offer or they will go on the bonfire.

‘Another Fish’
Oil, Acrylic, Computer cut vinyl on canvas
Another Fish

‘Unlearning old skills and employing new strategies are a constant preoccupation…….questioning about how (and in how many ways) we can read the resulting work itself. His stance has been courageous – he has been prepared to let go; take risks and this is beginning to pay dividends.’…..Quote

Exhibited Jan - Feb 05 Broomhill Sculpture Park
‘Self Portrait’ Oil, Acrylic, Computer cut vinyl on canvas 2003/05
I have been accused of being extremely arrogant. I prefer to call it confident. My paintings have become Schizophrenic, I can switch from one ‘style’ of painting to another. Why is it frowned upon to switch from style to style? What is the point of pursuing a singular line of practice?

‘Using tape has been a central preoccupation and that in many works has been linked to a professional skill of computer cut imagery.

Picking the next step will require care. Experimentation and novelty have their attractions and there is an aspect to some of the work that revels in the new – the new material; new cut; new size; new interpretation.

I keep thinking about George Braque who learnt artificial wood graining from his time as a decorator; the story goes that he taught Picasso and these painted renderings of wood surface became a staple of cubism.

Computer cut religious imagery; why look any further?’…..Quote

Freak Show Time!

from Peter Bright

There are various ways to market your online bussiness, one way is to get involved with ‘Freak Shows’. Surfers on the Internet have peculiar habits, their inhibitions suddenly disappear and the boundaries of their inquisitiveness and tastes become broader. We all know ‘Sex Sells’ but people are simply becoming more odd, searching for the deformed and bizarre. Bad taste has become click through heaven.
“Went to Ilfracombe museum and saw a two-headed kitten, a two-headed duckling, a four-legged chicken and a cupboard full of bats – what fun!”