Category Archives: Linux

Linux we like it!

We have always been fascinated by Linux based computers – at the moment we are using Ubuntu (7.10). Get the free download or request a free CD.

Ubuntu is a community developed, linux-based operating system that is free and perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains loads of applications and is (in the latest form) a real alternative to Windows. It can run the Firefox web browser, it includes presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and tons more.

Ubuntu is free of charge and has no licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

latest news (RSS feed) – Behind the jargon there is a brilliant package.

The philosophy of Linux is continued into the software providers. Quanta Plus is a remarkable free alternative to Dreamweaver – it actually works really well. Once you get past the techno babble it is easy. Don’t read the blurb that is written on their site, experiment and get creative. Top free software but a pity it has not been updated for a long time!

This is what they said:

‘Quanta Plus is very much targetted at one objective. That is to be clearly and obviously the most productive, powerful and efficient web development environment in the world. Note that we’re not saying just in the open source world. In the area of commercial web development tools we already have a number of users saying we top the leading Windows development tools. Certianly if you use PHP it’s going to be very difficult to find a better tool than Quanta. Looking at this objective we have several key factors. First of all we have some innovative ideas we’re working on that we believe will be rather revolutionary and truly innovative. However this takes work. We have developers we sponsor to work full time on the project and this is the backbone for our volunteer efforts. To really reach our goals though we need you. We need help in the form of sponsorships as well as contributions of resources like scripts and templates. Together we can change the world. ‘ ….. ambitious statement but – power to the people!