Category Archives: optimization

Business – where to begin?

There are lots of things that are important when creating a business website……but where to start? Each bit needs another bit….but which bit first?
Placing your idea or product on the Internet involves several complicated, interwoven elements, each one is dependent and relies on another. This ‘spaghetti’, which can be an utter tangled mess, is vital for online success. You need a strategy that can combine the skills of the participants (key company members) which can deliver your final product, convey your style, in an easily digestible manner  – your clients need to be able to access and purchase your products with ease. This structure has to be created using a system that both creators and users can understand.
This conundrum is similar to the problem artists have when creating a work of art – the final image  requires a parallel set of decision making processes.

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Our green business services

You need to have a vision for your online presence, but  do you know how to make it a reality?

Our team at  North Devon Web can provide a full range of services that will help you achieve your goals. We can repair and add new exciting features and functionality to your site. Whether your project will take minutes or  hours,  we are available to help you each step of the way. ‘Green’ web site – #hosting is available from us.

  • We can host websites on 100% wind energy servers
  • We offer very affordable hosting and design packages
  • Get your project delivered within a specific time frame
  • Perform regular maintenance on your website
  • Ensure good search engine optimization is employed
  • Send out professional HTML newsletters
  • Reduce your project costs

We can host websites on 100% wind energy servers. As energy awareness continues to grow, people are not just looking to make lifestyle adjustments, they want to make environmentally responsible decisions, this site is powered by renewable energy.

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Site Maps = business

Success is that knife-edge that teeters between effectiveness and catastrophe. Too many unimportant pages or non relevant pages can harm your site. Excluding some pages from a site map can be advantageous. The trick is to tempt catastrophe and not create it.

Sitemaps organise information on a site into a logical order – you can confuse or overwhelm the user with to much information. A successful website (and its sitemap) relies on the principles of efficiency.

It is important to survive and once your site is accepted by the search engines, with time, maturity will make you more successful. Being around on the web for a few years is better than being the new kid on the block – just hang in there and create your own history.

Where do you place a link to a site map on a site? The most common place is in the footer navigation.

Less is more SEO

140 characters of text are really all you need to sell a product. Twitter has made us all think about  optimization and editing our text, using the best combined words to get your point over. The days of stuffing keywords onto a page a probably over and we will now have to relearn skills of editing.
Optimizing visual layouts is a key to success, the words wrapped around images help to describe the product to the viewer. The web has become live, the day of the static webpage is nearly over, welcome to the embedded video, social bookmarking, widgets, social networks and the real time interactive network sites like Twitter. Read more…

It’s Valentine’s Day and you don’t know where to start – should you go with a self-penned ode to my love munchkin,’ a handwritten Shakespearean sonnet, or a dirty limerick? Tweetie Pie brings together 140 creative ways to tell your special someone how much you love them. All short enough to tweet yet more than long enough to say I love you’ (twelve times over, in fact). From the poignant and affectionate to the quirky and amusing to the flirtatious and titillating for your lover’s eyes only, every shade of love is here. Beautifully designed and bound, this is the perfect Valentine – or any time- gift for the person you love.

Tweetie Pie: 140 ways To Say I Love You

…black Hat!

Black hat applied in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry, uses SEO tactics that attempt to redirect search results to particular target pages in a fashion that is against the search engines’ terms of service. White hat methods are generally approved by the search engines.
Some of the blackhat SEO tactics include: keyword stuffing, hidden text and links, doorway and cloaked pages, link farming and blog comment spam.
Getting off a blacklist is difficult and can be a frustrating experience – Don’t black Hat!
Optimisation is a bit like a Russian Doll – each layer comes apart to expose another layer, which then exposes another layer, each reveal, each step gets you closer to the main core and leads you to a final goal. In reverse each layer you build over the core makes the center appear bigger, spreading outwards.