I really do have to create some space in our storage units – so if anybody wants the paintings below – make me an offer or they will go on the bonfire.
‘Another Fish’
Oil, Acrylic, Computer cut vinyl on canvas
‘Unlearning old skills and employing new strategies are a constant preoccupation…….questioning about how (and in how many ways) we can read the resulting work itself. His stance has been courageous – he has been prepared to let go; take risks and this is beginning to pay dividends.’…..Quote
‘Self Portrait’ Oil, Acrylic, Computer cut vinyl on canvas 2003/05
I have been accused of being extremely arrogant. I prefer to call it confident. My paintings have become Schizophrenic, I can switch from one ‘style’ of painting to another. Why is it frowned upon to switch from style to style? What is the point of pursuing a singular line of practice?