Mick Mercer – Music To Die For

Mick Mercer is a journalist and author best known for his photos and reviews of the goth, punk, and indie music scenes. He publishes a monthly online magazine called “The Mick“. After working on his own fanzine ‘Panache’, Mick then worked for other music papers and magazines including Melody Maker and ZigZag, always promoting the positive side of his beloved Goth music. Since then he has had numerous books about Goth and related subjects published, including photo-books of many well-known bands.

Music to Die For‘ is a classic book about the history of music. Mick Mercer has compiled a remarkable directory of bands that have been inspired or are inspired by the post-punk Goth phenomena. This book contains discographies and web links (plus a load of other stuff).

Music to Die For

…the postman arrived and I have sat here for the past hour or so thumbing through and reading the pages. It was a great relief to find out that I could still read the printed word – my dependence on visual and aural spoon fed pap via MySpace has been cured. The logical cataloguing of this tome is a truly important achievement and it is a relief to be able to find something (in alphabetical order) easily. The only warning I must give is – beware of the photographs, there are some ugly mugs in there. You have to get this book it is more than just a simple list, it is a Bible.…
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'Death by Sushi' Fish can kill me. When I was very small (maybe 3 or 4 years old) my grandfather, who lost the sight of one eye from a bullet fired by a German sniper (fortunately not a very good one) during the Battle of the Somme in World War 1, wiped my face with the corner of his apron, an apron he had used to wipe his filleting knife on. He was a grocery shopkeeper who specialized in wet fish.