#Divorce and the #afterlife – a painting proposal


Dead birds and rubber gloves, stolen kisses, pouches of Chinese fresh drinking water, broken dreams, sections of discarded fishing nets strewn across the tourist beach, lovers in the darkness groping for the dark, hands first finding spaces, then they find there mark, my father, my ghost, my hopes and dreams, stinking of rotting carcasses and seaweed, paintings of objects, places, people and dreams. I think I am back!


Life has changed, I have lost the familiarity I had of interiors, objects and experiences (but this is actually very liberating).


Support and understanding (love even). Waking up on sofas, stumbling back to my temporary home. Meeting new people who have inspired and have opened my eyes to new (and not so new) things. Love, hope, care, faith, determination…


Wistman’s Wood:

Wistman’s Wood is a magical place (I visited again last weekend) it is where pitted stone becomes knotted oak and the moss and lichens weld everything seamlessly together. I have found calmness and a really odd inner strength in that place. I’m not that into ‘finding God’ or ‘finding myself’ but it is a place that forces these contemplations and ideas (punching you in your back) into your consciousness, making you wake up and get on with it.

I have struggled to regain my ‘voice’ with my painting, I have however been inspired by a series of events that have given me a jolt (made me truly feel again) and believe in myself. The self doubt has gone and I have realised that I should stop bleating and get on with my life (and my Art).

Divorce is a gut wrenching thing to go through – there is always that cloud hanging over your head that smothers you with an overwhelming sense of failure. Yes it is tough but…

I have begun a series of paintings based on the things that have inspired, disappointed and shaped my afterlife after failure:


Let go #tarot

Tarot 10 April 2014

Sometimes it is better to just let things happen, leave things to fate, the will of God or turn a card.

No matter how hard you try to make things right or better it just won’t work, love, family, work – but maybe it is not suppose to be easy or happen? Nonsense maybe the will to make it work isn’t there in the first place.

Today I Turned the Tarot Cards…

The Page of Wands very often indicates a literal person in our lives. It can indicate a female who is younger than the curious card turner. Wands as people are usually warm, ambitious, and sometimes high achievers. The Page of Wands indicates the energy of easy distraction but can also indicate things that have been started or dreamt about (some time ago) are starting to come to fruition. The Page of Wands can also show a longing or desire for new things to explode into life, adventures, approaches, and new ideas. The Page brings positive energy but – there has to be the will to follow through.

…so this is what my cards have to say

This is what I dealt myself:


Card 1 (Justice) : How you feel about yourself now »
You are feeling that things will go your way, you believe in fairness and justice in all things. If you are considering partnership issues, personal or professional, dealings will go well. Perhaps you are about to sign a contract or legal document, this will be beneficial to you. If someone has done wrong to you it will be put right and you will feel justice has been done.

Card 2 (The Lovers) : What you most want at this moment »
The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is to know what choice to make – carry on as you are or take a risk? The risk offers excitement and change and staying as you are …. Well you know what that has to offer. Dare to love, dare to live?

Card 3 (The World) : Your fears »
You are afraid of taking action and lack confidence and will power, but this is a time to be positive and proactive, otherwise you will experience loss of momentum, delays and stagnation. Completion and success are only a step away, don’t give up, lose heart or change direction when you are so close to the finish line.

Card 4 (The Chariot) : What is going for you »
Drive, drive, drive, that’s what’s going for you. You certainly aren’t a quitter that’s for sure. The appearance of The Chariot tells of conflicts ending in victory, so don’t give up, battle on and you will succeed. This is a time of movement and change. Expect a journey relating to work, and if you’ve had you’re eye on that car, it will soon be yours.

Card 5 (The High Priestess) : What is going against you »
Insecurity is a devil that taunts us but only if we listen to that ‘doubting Thomas’ we all have in our heads. Ignore it. What do your instincts tell you? Perhaps you don’t like what they say? Well you could always go against your instincts, but we all know what that leads to don’t we!

Card 6 (Wheel Of Fortune) : Outcome »
Expect life to change and quickly. Fate, destiny or synchronicity, call it what you like, positive change and good fortune is evident here. If you have important choices to make trust your intuition. Do you feel that events seem to be evolving without much input from you? If so trust it and go with the flow.