Polar Bear – Broomhill Art Hotel (18 Nov)

Ever since their nomination for the Mercury Prize Award and their appearance on the televised award show – this ‘Post-Jazz Combo’ – whose drummer Sebastian Rochford (the one with the big hair) cleverly lead, controlled and tamed this apparent free form (potential disaster) creating an exciting panacea to the usual ‘Brit Pop’ shit – has fascinated me.

This assemblage of charaters has progressed through several metamorphoses and the incarnation that performed at Broomhill, for me, was the best cohesive montage I have seen them perform. North Devon is a cultural desert. There are a few individuals who make an attempt to make things better, Rinus, Aniet and the Broomhill Team put on great art and music events and this night has to be at the very top.

I have struggled over the past month with a virus (possibly swine flu apparently) and could only manage to watch their first set – that huge cloud that passes over you which invokes the uncontrollable desire to fall asleep visited. This first set featured new material from their forthcoming album (2010) and was a journey into the melodic, with the unmistakable sax of Pete Wareham weaving in between ethereal and aggressive executions, in a beautifully controlled unpretentious style. The rest of the team were in no way supporting players; with everything sounding like a well oiled machine, sweet, solid and with purpose.

Great night – Great food!

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'Death by Sushi' Fish can kill me. When I was very small (maybe 3 or 4 years old) my grandfather, who lost the sight of one eye from a bullet fired by a German sniper (fortunately not a very good one) during the Battle of the Somme in World War 1, wiped my face with the corner of his apron, an apron he had used to wipe his filleting knife on. He was a grocery shopkeeper who specialized in wet fish.