Category Archives: art

Gallery of crap

Images and photographs are memories of what was and can no longer be.

Samuel Underwood 1881 – 1939

Samuel had a milk cart, which was pulled by a faithful horse. He was an asthmatic and Mary was always concerned when he was over due home. On one occasion he was terribly late and panic set into the Underwood … Continue reading ?

Carol - Scilly Isles beach 1977

The painting at the bottom of the stairs

My iPhone died and I decided it was time to try another phone. I am now an android. This photo and post was created using the WordPress app.

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. It is currently developed by Google in conjunction with the Open Handset Alliance. Initially developed by Android Inc, whom Google financially backed and later purchased in 2005, Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 86 hardware, software, and telecommunication companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices.

Reflections Ilfracombe Harbour Jubilee Day 2012 – Number #2

The image above is of a worked over screen printed canvas (the painting below is the one I have reworked). It is important to remove all the noise from an image to get to a meaningful statement – too much clutter, too much overkill detracts the eye from the real deal. Read more…

Painting out is painting in. #printmaking

I have begun to work over a screen printed canvas (the painting below is the one I have reworked) in the studios of West Buckland School, to illustrate/show a student how to edit a painting. It is important to remove all the noise from a image to get to a meaningful statement – too much clutter, to much overkill detracts the eye from the real deal.

The image above is a photograph I took with a Pentax Spotmatic 35mm camera using ‘old stock’ (March 2000) Agfacolor HDC 200 film. My current preoccupation with 35mm film photography as taught me to look at things again – capturing the odd moment or peculiar juxtaposition. The colours and layout are similar to the painting I have created from the screen printed painting below (I will post the finished painting image soon).

“Reflections Ilfracombe Harbour Jubilee Day 2012?

The composition of this painting is based on a Union Jack and is a combination of screen printing and painting.

The reflections in the harbour in Ilfracombe always amaze me – the dirty sea water mixed with the vivid colours of the reflected boats, the bobbing flotsam and jetsam, the sunlight and oil spills.

I have begun using oil paint (again)

I suppose with age comes the ability to become patient. The time oil paint takes to dry is no longer a bothersome thing, the richness of the colour is worth the lack of speed, and the wait but…

Tubes of oil paint by 35mm_photographs

I can’t believe how much oil paints cost – I’m going to have to charge for my paintings by the square inch (or centimeter) from now on.

The photograph above was taken with a Pentax K1000 35mm film camera in the studio of West Buckland School in the 150 building – September 2012. Tubes of oil paint, a photo by 35mm_photographs on Flickr.