Lidwine – The Coast

Last November we had some simple answers to a few simple questions I’d asked Lidwine returned – I was forwarded this YouTube video a few days ago and decided to give it a polite nonchalant glance (I’d had a few beers and was a bit bored and thought ‘Entertain Me‘!) – I began to listen and  guess what it was charming (a pretty naff word to use) I was captured. The interview…

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About peter

'Death by Sushi' Fish can kill me. When I was very small (maybe 3 or 4 years old) my grandfather, who lost the sight of one eye from a bullet fired by a German sniper (fortunately not a very good one) during the Battle of the Somme in World War 1, wiped my face with the corner of his apron, an apron he had used to wipe his filleting knife on. He was a grocery shopkeeper who specialized in wet fish.