Red Stag on Exmoor

The Emperor is of course the nine foot tall Red Stag on Exmoor that is said to have been killed some ten days ago. The question is – was he killed or was it another large Exmoor Stag.
There are a number and for those who come to Exmoor to do a three, four or five day ENDELS Course there is the opportunity to travel over the beautiful hills and valleys of Exmoor and to see if you can find any Stags. It is not easy. We cannot guarantee that you will see any Red Deer herds but we can do our best in the time that you are here.

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About peter

'Death by Sushi' Fish can kill me. When I was very small (maybe 3 or 4 years old) my grandfather, who lost the sight of one eye from a bullet fired by a German sniper (fortunately not a very good one) during the Battle of the Somme in World War 1, wiped my face with the corner of his apron, an apron he had used to wipe his filleting knife on. He was a grocery shopkeeper who specialized in wet fish.