Higher Than Pope

Listening to Higher Than Pope is an adventure into an eclectic world where anything goes. Styles and genres of music are pillaged, poured into a bucket and then thrown at a wall. Have you ever seen a Jackson Pollock painting in a gallery and then heard the whispers in the background “Anybody could do that”? Well…not everybody can do a Jackson Pollock, it requires skill, control and an understanding of painting…most of us would end up making a mess and not a work of art. Higher Than Pope have skill, control and an understanding – go listen.


What Higher Than Pope says:

Continuities of time and space are disrupted in a heart beat by the weight of a Higher Than Pope composition. One second you are late 60’s retro and then next avant-garde progressive rock. There appears to be a genre warp as the HTP black hole collapses genre after genre, with none appear to escape unscathed.

Although primarily a guitar band, HTP have no qualms about snipping bits from multiple genres and splicing the results together. HTP are not big on songs that evolve so slowly you fall asleep between intro and verse. Instead they practice revolution and from one moment to the next you have no idea what may transpire next as you are catapulted from one sonic event to another.

Fans say:

“wow you are really interesting and original sounding. I am listening. you are whacked in a good way….I am listening.”

“I think your song “new beast” is some kind of masterpiece. I like the raw attitude in your sound.”

“I think you have the leading edge in music..very captivating…even more awesome through the phones took me to a higher plane!”

“‘Wow!’ I just had my ears assaulted and my mind fried simply by listening to a few tracks of this aural crack. Thank god a soft guitar jumped from the speakers just in time to let me sop up the blood dripping from my brain – very Hitchcockian! Then back into the hunt! Good to find a soul behind the sonic mayhem! And a lovely one at that.”

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About peter

'Death by Sushi' Fish can kill me. When I was very small (maybe 3 or 4 years old) my grandfather, who lost the sight of one eye from a bullet fired by a German sniper (fortunately not a very good one) during the Battle of the Somme in World War 1, wiped my face with the corner of his apron, an apron he had used to wipe his filleting knife on. He was a grocery shopkeeper who specialized in wet fish.